A Fun Variation On Warm Water & Lemon


We've all heard the benefits of warm water and lemon. We've also heard how great apple cider vinegar is. I enjoy mixing.

When different foods on my plate taste good, they end up mashed together. I'm always intrigued seeing new variations of original tales, so it was only natural for me to try to combine these two health benefits together and see what happened. I call it my Morning Mix, and I have to say, it's pretty good.


1 fresh-squeezed lemon (organic if possible)
1 Tbsp. of  unfiltered ACV
1 Tbsp. of honey (local preferably)
Warm water
Now this is just a general recipe. I always like having one to follow when I'm first trying something out. Feel free to play with the proportions. I personally enjoy having my amount of ACV equal to the lemon juice. Some lemons have more juice than others so I may use a little less vinegar one day than another. Also, I enjoy sweet. The tablespoon of honey is not negotiable for me. You might like less honey and more vinegar. Explore!

A few tips:

1. Don't drink it hot. This may seem like common sense, but there's also another reason for it. I find the flavor is a bit more mellow and has less bite when I drink the water warm versus hot.

2. Don't let it get cold. If you do, you may as well forget it. It's horrible.

3. Treat it the same way you would regular water and lemon. Drink it first thing in the morning before breakfast.

I hope you enjoy my Morning Mix! Let me know how you like it and if you've remixed it even more!

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com